Do Texas Workers Deserve Better?

In the 1970’s our businesses in America started sending our best paying jobs to other countries like China.

History shows that beginning in the 1970’s unemployment doubled.

Yet you will hear none of your congressional or senate representatives at the state or federal level discuss that.

Knives are already being sharpened as folks on the democrat and republican sides and other parties are preparing to run against Senator Cornyn.

Yet none of the stuff I’m going to show you here will be discussed by any of them because they are not aware of it.

Many Texans have been fortunate and they should thank the good lord, because many have not been so fortunate.

Just a few days ago our Texas Government bragged about creating 37,500 new jobs in December 2024.

As you can see, our workforce is made up of Foreign Born and Native Born workers.

Our Foreign Born are doing well as the chart on the left shows.

Native born have topped out and are beginning to decline as the chart on the right shows.

When we add the number of Foreign Born to the number of Native Born workers, we get the total workforce.

When we divide the value of each by the total workforce we get a percentage of the workforce.

As you can see, Foreign Born are doing well.

But as the chart on the right shows, native born americans are being destroyed.

Why is that?

After all, we just heard our Texas Government say they have created the most jobs ever and things are rosy.

Tell that to the underemployed, the folks that spent megabucks getting their degree or training, who are working at a big box store barely making it.

Tell that to the veterans that have the potential to do so much more if only they had the opportunity to strive for that better job.

Tell that to the homeless who would give anything just to be able to afford to have a roof over their head.

My background:

  • grew up in a small ranching community in central Texas.
  • Worked in oilfield a bit in west texas and in Africa.
  • Did six years in the navy as a radioman where I found I was good with technology.
  • Taught myself electronics repair via the navy BE&E school, heathkit, and courses from CIE.
  • Did about six years electronics repair.
  • Did contract computer programming where I have worn all hats on a nationwide basis starting in 88.

My future was very bright and the sky was the limit.

Yet since 2003 I have found very little work and I’ve been humbled enough to know that I do not know everything.

And I’ve tried to share my experiences with our state and government agencies at all levels only to realize how tone deaf these people are.

You see, to them, you’re the invisible people.

There are plenty of jobs out there and everybody that wants one has one.

But the data tells a different story.

As an example, how many jobs have we created each year? (these numbers are in thousands so add 3 zero’s.)

Notice how for the most part, we’ve created less than 3 million jobs per year?

The chart above shows the gains/losses in Unemployment. (The numbers are in thousands so add 3 zero’s)

Notice how many nonimmigrant guest worker visas we import each year to take jobs in America?

The documents proving these numbers can be viewed by clicking here.

It greatly outnumbers the jobs we create, and the unemployed who want jobs.

And we haven’t even discussed how many high school graduates or college graduates we have each year needing a job to provide for their families.

It is no wonder they have gave up looking for work, because they are living in a reality that you and your political representatives and neighbors will not discuss.

Think about this.

We create 3 million jobs per year.

We have many times that in unemployed.

Don’t they deserve a future?

Before any nonimmigrant guest workers are imported from other countries to take their job?

How about our high school graduates.

Don’t they deserve a future?

How about our college graduates.

Don’t they deserve a future?

You have a choice.

You can vote for any of the republicans or democrats or any other party who will not provide a solution to this problem that our government is sweeping under the carpet and you will get business as usual.

Or you can give somebody like me a chance so that everytime I am questioned, I can bring this subject up because I can guarantee you that I will.

It really is that simple.

And if we ever meet in real life, ask me about the Texas State Government Agencies that are hiring nonimmigrant guest workers when so many Texans need work, or worse, subcontracting the work out to companies from other countries who wil not hire Americans to work on those projects.

Isn’t it about time that we made all government contractors in Texas only use American Workers?